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Writer's pictureJewel DeLand

The power of objective thinking… a rewarding perception



"(of a person or their judgment) not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts."

-Oxford Languages


Kicking off onto this platform to discuss a lifechanging skill that has truly evolved my life and those of many others.

The basis of objective thinking stands within your own openness and willpower, to see beyond the surface of any experience; to feel the weight of a moment beyond its initial effect to you; to be impartial, yet eternally connected. As with all tools I share, objective thinking is encouraged to be thought of deeply.. and personalized before being implemented to evolve your way of being most effectively!

By implementing objective thinking into your life you will certainly feel these immediate rewards!

  • Substancial stress relief

  • Deepened connection

  • Freedom from judgement

  • Greater sense of belonging

  • Understanding in any situation

  • You will notice all of the synchronicities, and gifts that life brings !

Imagine a state of being where no presence or absence could disturb your peace.

A place free of expectation.

We all have the potential to exist in a realm of freedom, this is how to get started.


  • Assess the areas of your life that bring you dissonance of any sort: stress, sadness, discomfort, pain ect.

Though it is especially adept to bring the power of objective thinking into positive uplifting moments, it's evermore powerful in situations most need of healing.

Now, importantly

  • Learn to dissolve the boundary between you and everything else.

This may seem daunting, takes time to feel and continual effort to master.

At first it may seem difficult to empathize with a fellow creature like a squirrel or spider- I like to remember... we are all of the same, every substance and every creature we encounter by a chance is existing here in this same moment... though we are all different, I believe each of us is inherently the same, we are all sharing this carnation. By feeling this connection to someone of another species, a tree or with an expierence even ! Can make navigating your moments with fellow humans a breeze.


  • The art of detachment

It is truly a magical thing, to feel both eternally connected and yet not mortally effected. Do not allow other people, things or situations effect your state of being. Assess this in the ways you react.

It's important to note that objective thinking is not meant to make you cold, disconnected, or unconcerned with your feelings or those of others- indeed the tool is intended to do the opposite. To empathize, recognize and allow all situations to flow without disturbing your peace, and without brining expectation into your life.

Now - you're ready to bring it to life...

Imagine you find yourself elevated while driving, vigilant of the actions of others and easily stressed or bothered by their actions. This is easy to experience and common for a lot of us. We often would not think of the way this effects us or those we exhibit this behavior or energy around- but a common stressor like this can have significant impact on your emotional well-being, and by making a conscious effort in shifting perception can easily be eliminated!

  1. Step back and understand the common ground : all of us on the road are simply going where we must. Think kindly- even if someone else is exhibiting actions that may defy this, know you intend to bring yourself and passengers to your destination safely and sovereignly. Give a prayer to the universe for everyone else to as well.

  2. Know you cannot control the actions of others. Let go. Know you can always choose peace. By remembering this and exhibiting that peaceful energy... you gift it unto the world and everyone whom encounters you.

  3. Act as you must, know your values, your morals, and act in accordance with them.

It's easy to act on emotion and impulsively in moments of reaction to something out of our control, but by taking a moment to step back, deeply breathe, remember who you are and the energy you wish to spread- all the while considering and feeling the perspective of any other sharing the same moment as you ... that is

The power of objective thinking.

June 21, 2023

All rights reserved

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Noah Moore
Noah Moore

Incredible article!



Fantastic work!! Very thought provoking! And so helpful I just had one of these road moments yesterday 😆😆

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